Saturday, December 30, 2006
Who does that?
We get settled, Charles sitting next to Paisley since there were only 2 seats on each side. Between Paisley and the two year old boy behind her, it was pretty loud, but she really did quite well. It was a 2.5 hours flight, it was nap time, and I'm sure it was all over whelming. She cried a little, but really was okay. Towards the end of the flight it got worse, and I watch helplessly as Charles did EVERYTHING in his power to make her happy. Sometimes it just doesn't work. The lady in front of me turned to Charles and said "could you make her be quiet? She's cried the whole flight." And Charles, being the nice and polite guy he is, only said "no, she hasn't." I don't know if she didn't realize there were other kids, but I didn't care, I was furious. "She is ONE. How do you expect us to MAKE her stop crying? Do you have any suggestions?" She didn't bother to turn around and answer me though, which was probably a good thing because I was so angry I was shaking. I don't get that mad very often, but I was pissed. Charles told me later that if she could ask us to make P stop crying, then he wanted to ask her to stop being so fat. He tried to console me by saying she probably didn't have family and lived alone with 15 cats and a house that smells like piss.
And, the mature people we are, laughed at Charles' revenge. He was waiting to get the luggage, and the woman was waiting as well and asked for someone to get her bag off of the belt for her. Charles just ignored her and turned away. Okay, probably a little immature, but we felt justified.
And now I could go on and on about how could people expect a small child to be quiet, but I'm assuming that everyone that reads this blog will understand our frustration. Now I feel better to get that off of my chest. We're here in Utah, and I'm waiting for everyone to get back from dinner. I stayed back so P could go to bed, and I'm just so tired, I didn't really feel up to going out. Besides, I feel like all I've done over the past week has been eating!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry Belated Christmas
I wanted to get a bunch of really cute pictures of my family this Christmas, and I filled my 2 memory cards up really quickly. But...when I went to download last night, I realized that the movies of P walking took up most of the room, and I really didn't get any good pics.
P is getting really good at walking, and almost never crawls unless she wants to get somewhere really quickly. It was just so odd to bring her home yesterday and watch her walk around the house, whereas before we'd only seen her crawl. I wonder if it's strange for her as well, since she can now see everything from a different angle.
I'm trying to get her to take a nap before we run some errands, but with all the noise, I'm thinking I may just have to take the really long route into town so that she can sleep in the car.

This isn't necessarily a good picture, but I really like Charles and my disappearing arms.

Papa and his babes. These kids ADORE their Papa, and would usually rather be with him than their own parents. They'd cry if he walked away, or if he was holding a different baby. Next year will be even more of a challenge, since there will be 3 babies to fight for his attention.

Saturday, December 23, 2006
And we're off!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Santa and Little People

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I love Thursdays
Yes, I know this is blurry, but it's still so cute.
This is her "hi" face. She does this while saying hi, twisting her face up and sticking out her tongue.
Oh look at me, I rock. I loaded a video. Rock on. It's not an especially interesting video, but still, it's Paisley. What else do you need? I also realize that my house is a disaster, but I blame that on the kid.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wanna lose 5 pounds?
Here's a trip down memory lane. I can't get her to sit still for pics, so it's either this or pictures of her hair. Last year this time:

Friday, December 8, 2006
The next Pollock

Thursday, December 7, 2006
Anybody want to buy a Sick Baby? It's all the rage this holiday
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Monday, December 4, 2006
The return of the single digit pant size

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Socks mean bye bye

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Gettin' our party on
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
But not Paisley

We ventured out today, even though it's black friday. Got all of our wrapping paper from Hobby Lobby, as everything was 50% off. Then decided to brave Wal-Mart, which actually wasn't too bad. I got P's Christmas present, the Little People Farm. She has the bus, which she LOVES, so I figured we'd add to her collection.
We also got our satelite internet hooked up. I LOVE it. It's fast, of course, but I really love how quickly it uploads pictures. These 2 took about 10 seconds, where before it would have taken at least 10 minutes. So worth it, Emma! Maybe now I'll actually start posting more, if I can get pics of the babe that aren't blurry.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Is it bad...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Daddy plays all the fun games.
We signed up for satalite internet, which will hopefully be better than the dial-up we currently have, and I can post pictures more frequently. She's got so much personality for such a little person. She's definitely a mama's girl, although she adores her daddy. I think she's just more used to him being gone, so she's afraid I'll leave her. She often waves bye bye to daddy, even if he's not leaving. She loves going to the store, since she sits in the cart and flirts and jabbers at everyone we walk by. She even had one little girl (around 8?) following us around the baby department for awhile, picking up her dropped (thrown) toys and snacks. It's amazing how a little baby can get any person to smile, man or woman, young or old. I've never seen anyone NOT smile back at her.
We've had to gate off our living room area because P has figured out how to climb onto the couch, and would jump off the back of it if we'd let her. Charles caught her the other day about to do just that and grabbed her by the foot before she landed on her head. She's just fearless at this stage, and it can be quite scary. She's been trying to go down the stairs, even though we have a gate to block them. There's just enough room below the gate for the cats to slip down, and she's figured out she can get her body down too, just not her head. I thank my father for teaching her how to go down stairs.
She's also very 'helpful' at this stage. Helping with laundry, helping to decorate the house, feeding the dog. Here she is folding my underwear. I missed the shots where she got it around her neck.

We made our reservations to go see Charles' family in Utah for New Years. We ended up getting P a seat, because I can't imagine trying to hold a 15 month old in our laps for 2.5 hours. I figure if she's strapped into her car seat she won't fight as much. Plus, she got a portable dvd player for her birthday, so hopefully that'll keep her attention. But, if anyone has suggestions on travelling with a toddler, please feel free to let me know.
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Snot and stuff

Pulling out all the cds is our newest favorite game.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Boo. Again.
I had more pictures to post, but since my computer is soooooooo slooooow, I'm not wasting ANOTHER hour waiting for these to upload.
So Halloween is over. I can't believe I've had Paisley for 2 halloweens now, and she still couldn't care less about it. We had a handful of trick-or-treaters this year, not nearly as many as last. Last year we ran out of candy so I started handing out fruit snacks and whatever else I could dig out of the pantry. So this year I bought two huge costco bags, thinking it'd all be gone by the time the night was over. Nope. Didn't even make it through one bag. Not at all good for mama's diet.
In Paisley news, SHE TOOK HER FIRST STEPS TODAY!!!! 3 or 4, I believe. The past few days she's been practicing standing alone, which she loves and finds really entertaining. Falls on her butt and gets right back up again. Over and over and over. Today she put some steps with it. I didn't think she'd really care, seeing as crawling takes her everywhere she wants to be, and then some. Maybe this determination will stick with her through the school years...
Her other thing is finding socks, and setting them on her feet. She knows that's where they go, she just doesn't understand how to get them on. She does this with her socks, daddy's socks, our neighbor's baby's socks...We're also doing "So Big!" which I would've posted a picture of, but since our computer won't upload pics, I guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

Here's the sock thing. And her frog outfit. Unfortunately she was so grumpy that I took her out of her costume by about 6. I think she's getting sick (first time!), she had a runny nose today and would not let me put her down from 6 on. Rocked her to sleep. Huh, kinda like last Halloween.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's all a game
Does anyone have any ideas on how to discipline a one year old? Paisley
just doesn't listen. She gets into stuff she knows she's not supposed to,
and when I tell her no, she laughs. Even if I'm really stern, that's really
funny to her. Help! Her big thing is screaming. And she's usually extremely happy when she screams, but it's SO LOUD! It actually hurts my ears it's so
loud and high. Yesterday we were at the store and she started up, and it's
rather embarrassing, since people probably think I'm harming her in some
way. So I put my hand over her mouth and tell her no. She just laughs and
laughs, and screams some more. This happened probably a dozen times.
I just gave up. Any ideas?
Also, this whole new beta blogger thing has me quite confused. I can't figure out
how to use Hello to upload pictures, as it won't let me log on. Does anyone
know anything about that?
This picture is from today, last year. She was soooooooooo cute. She's still so cute,
but in a different way.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
She needs to learn how to talk
just a few more votes than number 4. It seems
like I've really slowed down on taking pictures
lately, maybe because this kiddo never sits
still, so getting one that isn't blurry can be a challenge.
Turning 1 has been a real turning point for P.
She's really changed just in the past 2 weeks.
She loves to cuddle now, which she would
never do before. She hugs toys, cups, whatever,
but also will periodically come over to Charles
or myself and lay her cute little head on our leg
and sit there for a minute before returning to
play. She also signs for "more," which she has
done for awhile, but I now think it also means
"hungry" or "feed me!" I always ask her where
something is, and put my hands up in the "I
don't know" position. Elbows bent, palms up.
It's hard to describe. Anyway, this morning
I started asking her where things were and
she would make that gesture. She also found
her way into the bathtub (on daddy's watch),
where she seemed to be having a grand old
time playing with her toys. She must have
fallen in, but didn't get hurt. Pretty scary,
as we always keep the doors closed, but our
crazy cat reopens them if we don't lock them.
We have to be even more careful now to
watch where she is. I also found her eating
an earring this morning. Lovely.