It seems like my posts are getting fewer and
farther between, but it's been really hard to
find the time to sit in here and work on the
computer. Paisley HATES it when I'm on the
computer, hates as in screams and cries if I'm
doing this and not paying attention to her. So
I don't get on a whole lot.
I do have time to take loads of blurry pictures
of gross spiders on our house. This picture is
for you Janice, if you read this. Charles and I
stood outside the other night, just fascinated
as we watched this spider track his prey, then
wrap and wrap and wrap it into a cocoon.
Yeah, I don't get out much. Charles gets home,
we watch some tv, some stupid show with
stupid jokes, something I never would have
laughed at before, but now I find myself
rolling on the ground at the hilarity of it all.
And Charles just sits there, wondering where
his once normal wife went.
I haven't taken many pics of P lately, so I
thought I'd reminisce about this time last
year, and my ginormous belly. I sent out
invitations to Paisley's 1st birthday party
yesterday. I just can't fathom that she will
be 1 in just a few weeks. This year has
absolutely flown by. I know she doesn't NEED
a party, and as my dad said, it's more for the
adults anyway, but I need to do this for her. I
need to watch her eat her own cake, and
wear a dumb party hat, and cry because
everyone is looking at her. It's a milestone,
Sometimes I miss having her as a little
baby and can't believe she's not really
a baby anymore, but on the other hand,
it's so much better now. I'm not so tired,
we're not getting up at all hours of the night.
She has a schedule. I know exactly when she'll
eat, sleep, poop and play. She's interactive.
She plays games with us, she's funny and
entertaining. She's become a little person,
something I never could have imagined
a year ago, or even 6 months ago. I love
being with her, love showing her off because
she's just so damn cute, miss her when she's
asleep. She's just perfect.