Have I mentioned how much Paisley has changed? She's like a whole different kid. She's definitely not a baby anymore, which is both good and bad. Good, because she's more independent, but bad because she was such a cute baby! Her language has exploded over the past few weeks, which is funny because I was so worried about her not talking. She's always been a babbler, but now she has actual words to say as well. She's said "dada" forever, which drove me nuts, but now she says "mama," but usually only when she's upset. That's okay. She says "hi" all the time, but she always has to stick her tongue out of the side of her mouth when she does. I need to try to get it on video, it's pretty goofy. She also meows and barks (at the correct animal) when she sees them, or if you ask her what a dog or cat says, she can tell you. She also says "go" (as loudly as possible while pointing to the dog-oops), "wow," "boo, "ball," "grampa," "papa," and "kitty." She's only said boo, ball and kitty two or three times, but it was definitely a repeat of what we had said. She ADORES her grampas, which is why I think she says both grampa and papa so well. Sorry Grandma.
She understands so much too, it blows me away. Lately she's been OBSESSED with her coat. I thought it was just a Utah thing, a comfort, where she always wanted to wear it, but no, she's doing it here as well. Wants to wear her coat, her shoes, and carry around her blanket. If she gets upset, she'll go find her blanket, THEN come back and snuggle me. At least it's not a pacifier. This morning we were getting ready to go somewhere, and I told her we needed to put her coat on. She walked out of our bedroom, giggling, down the hall and to the front closet where we hang the coats. Then she pounded on the door until I got out her coat. Then she goes and stands by the front door, which is funny to me because we never use the front door. We always go out the garage.
She can point to her nose, mouth, head and bellybutton. We're working on her ears. When you ask where her bellybutton is, she has to pull up her shirt to find it. That's difficult in onesie pajamas, and she gets a little frustrated. We used to ask her all the time where something was, and she'd hold out her hands in a question (arms out in an upside down V; palms up), but lately she walks around doing that and saying "dago?" I believe this means "where'd dad go?" because she does it usually when he's gone or sleeping. She'll go to his side of the bed or to the bedroom door and ask. It's freaking cute. She's a smart little bugger.
She had her 15 month doctors appointment today. She's 31.5 inches tall, and 20 pounds. That's 75th and 6th percentiles, respectively. 6th percentile! Charles and I couldn't believe it. I knew she was skinny, but still. She eats ALL THE TIME. And she eats a lot. All of her 18 month pants are too big, but then 12 month pants are too short. Very frustrating, because obviously not all babies are the same size. I'd put her in dresses, but it's been so cold lately that I want her bundled up.
Here she is being just like mom and dad. Charles was watching her the other morning while he ran to garbage to the curb, and when he came back, she was lounging in the rocker with her sippy cup in one hand and the remote in the other. We usually have the couch gated off because she likes to stand and jump on it, and lately we've been having issues with her standing on the big rocking chair and her small one. They get taken away from her on a daily basis.
This one is for grandma. Maggie is very thankful for her shirt. Can't you tell?