Friday, February 8, 2008

Sick sick sickity sick

Paisley and I got the week off! Unfortunately it wasn't a planned vacation. P is sick with RSV, Pneumonia, fever and ear infection. Those are the joys of day care I guess. She's been coughing so hard that she makes herself puke. I HATE seeing her puke, it makes me cry. She is loaded up on meds though, and once those kick in she's much happier. We've been home since Tuesday afternoon. I'm lucky that I have the exact number of vacation hours to cover this, although it sucks that I have to use them all up. Hopefully by Monday she'll be well enough to go back to the sitters. It has been nice for me to be able to do homework. And watch Cinderella over and over.

So let's get back to the pictures. It's so nice to hear from my friends again! My next goal is to catch up on everyone's blogs...that should only take about 6 hours or so. Paisley is finally at the stage where she'll play by herself and not insist to sit in my lap while I am on the computer. Two questions though from my comments, who is Manicmommy? And Emma in Canada, you cracked me up! Oh, by the way, I have a facebook page if anyone wants to add yourself to my friend list. Lots of you are already there, and I use that a lot so I could keep up that way.

This is Chip. Chip totally rocks. We went to a character dinner where all the characters come around and say hi. Chip fell in love with Paisley and played with her for about an hour, playing on the floor, throwing her Minnie back and forth, and he kept putting his hands over his heart. The restaurant had closed but he still just sat and played with her.

A little girl came over to Paisley one night and gave her this frog. It was so sweet! But I think she probably won a bunch at some game and didn't want 5 of them.At the airport, waiting to leave.

Monday, February 4, 2008

A February Thanksgiving it's been so long since I've posted that I forgot my password. Oops. But before y'all go and get upset about the lack of posts, I have good reason!! School started back up in January. I'm taking 7 hours along with working full time. Paisley is shuttled between 2 babysitters, but she seems to do really well with them. It makes me sad because I feel like I don't get to see her. Saw her while she was awake this morning in the car for about 30 minutes, and she slept the whole way home tonight, and she went straight to bed when we got home. So between all that jazz I try to shove a little food in myself and get some sleep. That's why it's now February and am just posting about Thanksgiving. And btw, wtf? How is it February???? Although I don't feel too bad about being late, we're finally having our work Christmas (HOLIDAY) party on the 22nd.

So now I'm just plain tired and need to do some homework before I pass out. Here are a few teasers. Trust me, I've got PLENTY pics to post, but I'll leave you with these. Disneyland was amazing. I had never been and had never had desire to go, but I had a blast! I think I enjoyed it way more than P did.

How mean am I? We took her on all these little rides but didn't realize how scary they'd be to a 2 year old.
This is probably my favorite memory from the entire trip; Paisley shopping. We walked in and I think she just got so overwhelmed she didn't know what to do and started grabbing handfulls. If one of these toys is good, then wouldn't 5 be better?

She of course went home with one, a little minnie mouse which she still loves and insists on taking to bed with her.