Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Leaving Utah

As of May 14th, Charles and I will leave Provo, UT for middle-of-nowhere, KS. Have I mentioned the population of this town is 631? I for one am ready to be out of Utah, 8 years is more than enough time. Charles on the otherhand, who grew up here, is not as ready. He hasn't even seen our town or our house yet. He has to trust me on this decision.

This is our brand spankin' new house. It's so incredibly nice, especially compared to where we live now. No more mariachi! I think the real reason I am so excited to live in this house is because we will have a dishwasher!!!


Anonymous said...

Dishwashers RÜLE! Maria and I will finally have a dishwasher after three years of marriage. I don't know if it was soon enough for my dishpan hands. My life as a hand model will be forever ruined...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I think Westmoreland is where I first ate Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Kate said...

Does the population of 631 INCLUDE you and Charles and the fetus and the cats and the rats (and, of course, TAFFY)?

Kate said...

Amen about the dishwasher, too. I lived without one for TOO LONG.

Ashley said...

No, the population will increase exponentially when we arrive.