Karen also spoils this child rotten. Here's Paisley's birthday present, although I'm sure it won't be the only one. Must say though that buying a swingset at the end of the season is a great idea. And? I put it together ALL BY MYSELF. Well, Karen read the instructions but I did all the grunt work. I only had to take it apart maybe 6 times, so it was a success. The empty spot now has a baby swing hanging, so I know we'll be living in the back yard for the next 2 months. I was surprised at how much my ass was sore the day after we did this! I should put these together all the time, it's a good workout.
Here's my budding gymnast. She's seriously a monkey.
Paisley loves to attack me and use me as her jungle gym.
I went to get her from her nap the other day, and found this. She was able to open the drawers on her crib and threw all of her tights across the room. I never realized how many tights she had. Guess we'll be wearing skirts all winter.
This is one of my favorites. I love watching her pretend play, and I guess the baby needed to go potty. We've been working on Paisley going potty, but haven't gotten very far. I'm just trying to get her used to the idea first. She does enjoy sitting on it, and asks frequently to sit on it without her diaper. Maybe one of these days something will actually happen.