Thursday, September 21, 2006

Early birthday presents

Paisley received this great big box of presents
last week from her grandparents. She's not
spoiled. At all. We've opened some of them,
some fun books and CD's. She seemed more
interested in the paper than finding out what
was inside.

Her Papa also gave her an early birthday present.
I love the idea of having an area where I know
she's safe if I have to do something else. She,
however, does not like the idea so much. Instead,
she generously allows the cats to hang out in it.


Emmakirst said...

Oh birthday presents already! Wow, I can't get over how fast the time is going. She's a whole year on the 1st! I love the little playpen area thingy, great idea. Now you know she'll be safe.

Tonya said...

YAY @ presents.. I bet she does not like the gate thingy.. but at least you have it for when you need it for safety!!

Anonymous said...

Happy early birthday Paisley!

Kate said...

Oh. And I thought the fence was for Charles; I was going to say it probably isn't quite tall enough.

The best part about the presents is that Mom bought that wrapping paper SPECIFICALLY for Paisley (and it coordinates with a great deal of P's wardrobe). But never fear, she's done the same for the other grandkids as well (so that they're with parity).

Favourite Aunt Kate

the boyd girls.... said...

I love presents! We need more posts! :)

Chastity said...

Wow, one year old already! Happy early birthday, Paisley!