Does anyone have any ideas on how to discipline a one year old? Paisley
just doesn't listen. She gets into stuff she knows she's not supposed to,
and when I tell her no, she laughs. Even if I'm really stern, that's really
funny to her. Help! Her big thing is screaming. And she's usually extremely happy when she screams, but it's SO LOUD! It actually hurts my ears it's so
loud and high. Yesterday we were at the store and she started up, and it's
rather embarrassing, since people probably think I'm harming her in some
way. So I put my hand over her mouth and tell her no. She just laughs and
laughs, and screams some more. This happened probably a dozen times.
I just gave up. Any ideas?
Also, this whole new beta blogger thing has me quite confused. I can't figure out
how to use Hello to upload pictures, as it won't let me log on. Does anyone
know anything about that?
This picture is from today, last year. She was soooooooooo cute. She's still so cute,
but in a different way.
Wash Fold Repeat
9 years ago
I think that's exactly what Zoe used to do. Maybe you could get some insight from her P's... I have this address: Shawn. And if that doesn't work the address is at the bottom of his homepage.
I'll say this: That's definitely WHY they are so cute....
Crazy Aunt Kate of Le Monde de Kate du Fromage
I have no advice, but it is all very scary because E seems like she enjoys to make very very loud noises...ALL the time.
Whoa! I found you because I sometimes click on someone on blogroll and find someone on their blogroll and someone else on their blogroll until I find a neat blog to read. I couldn't believe it when I found yours! I had a blog called baby makes three - I just recently changed it to "Pocket Change." I have a 2 year old daughter. I also live in small town Kansas!
As far as the discipline thing goes... I went on a limb and tried time-out with Julia. She would just have to sit right whereever she was for one whole minute (we had a timer) and when the timer dinged she could get up. She hated that! After her first time out, we would say "no no Julia ... do you want to have to sit??" and she'd correct herself right away!
Good luck :) Glad I found ya!
I'm having the SAME problem w/ Ava. She grabs things all the time that she shouldn't. I tell her no.. she laughs. She does it again. I smack her hand. She cries. And STILL does it again! I have no idea what to do but it's rattling me. I don't like having to get mad at her. It just breaks my heart.
Randie never listens either.. well sometimes but she knows when she is not supposed to do something and she still does it. She does not scream or anything so Im afraid I cannot help you there but hopefully you find some kind of solution. I never switched to the beta blogger thing so have no idea.. lol That is a cute pic of her a year ago.. awww
Wow, What a difference a year makes! She's always had the hair.
Hi, I just found your blog. She is such a cute baby!
For discipline we do timeouts. You could try putting her crib for 1 minute when you know she's intentionally misbehaving (1 minutes for every year she is old, so 1 minute total for now). As for when you're out in public, I have no idea. I'm trying to figure that one out. Lately, I just say "no" very firmly, then try to distract him.
I just found your blog. What a cutie your daughter is!
She sounds like a normal one yr old to me. They love to scream! Gradually as she learns to talk she'll talk more and scream less, but she'll be a screamer for a while yet. Just ignore it - the more attention it gets her, the more she'll do it. It's a fun game to her.
As for discipline, sorry, but at this age it's all about prevention and distraction. It's up to you, not her.
At this age she's too impulsive and has a short memory. What you teach her one minute you'll have to reteach her a minute later.
i have absolutelynoidea. but i did just notice the link---THANK YOU! yay, i love discovering new blogs!
Oh I don't think kids listen, EVER! I still have a hard time with my older ones. You are reminding me what I'm in for with Ava. I forgot all about the younger stages. She's absolutely adorable in that picture too!
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