Thursday, January 5, 2006

Bad, bad mommy

A picture of Paisley and mommy where mommy
doesn't look TOO huge.

So far in this parenting thing, there have been times that I've felt like a bad mother; when I don't notice she's poopy and therefore leaks and gets poop EVERYWHERE, when I have to make her wait for her food and she gets really sad, but yesterday topped it all. We went to Target (where we told Paisley that if it wasn't for THAT VERY STORE she wouldn't exist, since that's where her parents met), and I never realized it but they have stupid carts. Most carts allow you to snap the carseat onto the bench part, but Target's do not, at least not the car seat we're using right now. We put her in the basket part and tried to put groceries around her, but as I went to put a big 16 oz container of chip dip in the cart, it somehow FLEW out of my hand and landed smack dab on her little cheek. She looked very stunned for a moment, and then started wailing, like I've never heard before. Meanwhile, I'm freaking and crying and trying to get her out of her seat, while Charles is standing there trying to calm both of us because the people around us are starting to stare and think something really bad was happening. I know it's not a big deal and that she was fine after a minute or so, but what an awful feeling to know you've hurt your own child.


Kate said...

Mommy looks GREAT and needs some THIN people to tell her that (I think it doesn't seem to mean as much coming from all the large members of my family - like me).

And like I said, chip dip is NO bowling ball. You'll hever feel as bad as when you hit a small child (BARELY walking) in the face with a bowling ball. And if you're wondering, it WAS an accident. And I cried more than she did, I think.

Unknown said...

awwww! I can totally understand how you felt... I feel guilty for eating too much junk food now while I'm pregnant with her, like it's going to harm her or something!

And mommy DOES look great!