Sunday, April 30, 2006

Paisley and Emmett

Paisley and I went to KC this weekend for a
belated Easter egg hunt (more pics later, but
Charles just came in and rolled his eyes at me,
so I guess I'll do that another time...). While we
were there, we hung out with Paisley's cousins,
and competed in the "who can sit up longest
without falling on our face" competition. I think
Emmett won when he purposely got on his
stomach and crawled away. It's strange to think
that in just 3 short months she could be crawling
as well. Although I doubt she will, as she still
won't roll over!!!

I love the evil look here she's directing towards


Anonymous said...

I love the evil expression. It's very reminiscent of little Sarah.

Emmakirst said...

She's adorable! you never know about the crawling. My 2nd child walked at 8 1/2 months and my 3rd was 9 months!