Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I haven't posted for a week, and really have no excuse. It's too cold? I haven't been taking a whole lot of pictures either, as my child doesn't pose anymore. She runs away instead. This month has flown by for us, and I can't really name anything we've done. Charles is back in school, but he's also finished wiring our basement!!!! That means one step closer to having a finished basement, and place for P to put all her toys, a place for mom to actually do some scrapbooking, and a place to lock up the cats and their stinky litter.

Does anyone do an entire load of laundry before realizing they forgot to put soap in, or is it just me that does this?

I dressed P in this cute plaid skirt the other day (thanks Beca!), along with some cute tights, when we noticed this. I'm not sure where we got them, but I can safely assume they've seen some good use prior to P wearing them.
It's hard to tell in this pic, but I found an old pink plastic bracelet and put it on P's right arm. Not the cute, swarovski crystal one (my friend Bridgit made that for her), but the other one. She LOVED it and was so proud to wear it. She walked around very carefully, with her arm straight out ahead of her so that it wouldn't fall off.


Erin said...

So cute!

I don't think I've ever forgotten soap, but I'm really bad about leaving the lid open! I'll come back later expecting the load to be done, and it's just sitting there full of water because the spin cycle won't run with the lid open.

Erin said...

Ok I just got your other comment, and I agree I'm getting frustrated with this whole comment thing...I just wrote a reply and it erased it???

I did let my husband know he was making the situation worse, but it didn't change anything...oh well.

YES it is so cold here! We live in Columbia, and I don't know about you but I am so ready for Spring! I can't wait til I don't have to bundle Miss H up in her big coat and blanket anymore just to go outside. I'm looking foward to dressing her in little shorts and dresses and jelly sandals!!

Do you have an email address?? My husband is ultra paranoid about me posting pics on the internet, but I could email you a picture or two of her. I have a MySpace page that I use to keep in touch with family, in case you use that.