Paisley and I decided last minute to take a trip to Utah/California (I decided and I'm the mom) to see family and crash another family's reunion. They're camping on the beach in CA, why not?
Anyway, we had to leave KC at 5:50 am (the shuttle came at 4:10!) and fly to Denver, switch planes, then fly into SLC, then drive from SLC to Orem, about 50 minutes away. We were soooo tired (we as in Paisley and me. Charles didn't come. He wasn't invited), but P did really really really well. I was so proud of her. No melt downs. I did buy her a harness, which when I was younger thought was evil and said I would never do that to MY child. There's a lot of things I used to say I wouldn't do as a parent and now find myself doing. Anyways, so she was harnessed and I had to carry a backpack of entertainment for her, a huge purse of food and diapers (for P as well) and the carseat. No way in hell would she stay on my lap. But people are really nice and someone ALWAYS offered to help me. Which I really appreciated. Now we're here, actually in another part of UT visiting Charles' sis Janet and children. I think we're going to Walmart soon (since I don't get enough walmart in podunk Kansas), then to dinner. We played outside for awhile, as Janet has a nice swingset and we all know how much P loves to swing. My 6 year old nephew kept telling me to take his picture while he batted, and he also "showed" me how to use his Wii, although he was a little stingy about letting me actually play and we had a little fight about it. I totally won.
Forgot to mention that I celebrated a bday last Saturday. I'm now the ripe old age of 24. Believe me? Charles slaved over a cake for me (nasty cake from Walmart. sorry Charles, it really was gross), and put lots and lots of candles on it. He did let me sleep in though, and brought me breakfast in bed. Our tiny little town had a parade and carnival for me (ok not really for me) where we watched random pickup trucks drive down the street and throw candy (which P and I loved) and we got cotton candy (which P and I also loved) and Charles spent a good $7 trying to win P a really cheap stuffed seal. It was fun, but hot, so we left before the tractor pull started. Then we went to the really classy steakhouse called Ramblers. Did I mention how classy it is? It's actually pretty good food though. What I'm really mad about though? Charles didn't get me anything. Well, I take that back. I got my hair done and that was my present, but he didn't give me a card. All I wanted was a card. When I asked him why not? He said he lost it. The truth, or a good cover up?
The mountains definitely make for a great view. Hope your holiday goes well....California- I'm totally jealous!
Leif also demonstrated his Wii skillz to us on our last visit. We discovered that if you can wait it out, he'll eventually have to go to bed and relinquish the controller.
But then Erik starts hogging it...
I'm totally for the harness. I firmly belief it's the only reason that Janet and I are alive to this day. Oh - and Sarah and William, of course. It's not like the things have sharp metal spikes in them (Hmmm - interesting marketing idea, though).
Why didn't anyone tell me that Leif has Wii????? Yes, visiting the family is great and all, but Wii certainly out rates Applebees by a billion-trillion enticement points...
FAVOURITE Aunt Kate of Le Monde de Kate de Fromage
I actually snuck inside while Leif was having his forced outdoor time and built some Wii people. That's easily the best part. Grettir-are you going to come see Paisley??? I guess I could even walk over to your house...
Hope you have a great time!! I totally believe in the harness as well.. and happy belated birthday!!!
I couldn't live without mountains. I was devastated to learn that half of Colorado is flat.
Have a fun vacation & a happy belated birthday!
I agree about living a flat area; I couldn't do it. Of course, the mountains here don't look like those in your picture...but it's just a different type of beauty.
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