Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Help me. Help me help me help me help me...

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to
comfort a teething child? NOTHING seems
to help, and it just hurts to watch her so upset.
I've shoved tylenol down her throat, rubbed
her gums with orajel, given her everything cold
and/or hard in the house to stick in her mouth,
held her, rocked her, put her down, played with
her, read to her, all to no avail. I finally put her
in her crib, hoping that she may fall asleep...
although I can hear her in there crying, talking
and kicking the mattress. ANY suggestions
would be appreciated...


Emmakirst said...

I wish i could tell you something different, but you did everything you possibly could for her :( Teething is just miserable. I really hope her little teeth cut through soon and she feels better.

Anonymous said...

She is old enough to have Motrin I find it helps my kids better than Tylenol and and I think it will help her sleep.

Kate said...

Well, if one isn't there to witness the sadness first hand I'll just say that she's damn cute no matter what...

Other than that, with only Kitten Children, MY suggestion would be valium. Isn't that what the leading pediatricians suggest?