Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Ok, I have to say that I am REALLY disappointed that Paisley didn't make the cut for the Gap baby contest. I had somehow gotten it into my head that of course she would win. I guess I should've known better, that moms always think their kid is the cutest. The first thing I did this morning was get online, but she wasn't there. Sigh. I really wanted all those clothes.

Charles and I (ok, just me) made up a little ditty for Paisley this morning.

There once was a girl named Paisley,
who was 'bout to drive her parents crazy.
She fussed and she cried
All day and all night
and I can't think of a last line.
So yeah, it's really dumb, but she WOULD NOT STOP SCREAMING. She wanted food, but everything we gave her she'd spit out. Then scream. Finally she ate half of my weight watchers lasagna and seemed happy after that. I don't want her to be a picky eater, but I can't force her to eat.
Biting is starting to be another issue. Frustration biting. She's bitten both Charles and myself, she bites toys, shoes, blankets, whatever is handy. It's interesting to see how many people will admit to actually biting their children back during this stage. I found 2 just last night.
Ponytails. So stinkin' cute.

Dad, you are wierd!
But funny.
She and Charles were competing in a screaming contest. Gee, I wonder why she screams in public?


Tonya said...

she should have won!!

Unknown said...

She totally should have won. She is very stinkin cute! The pigtails are super adorable - I'm loving the curls.

Julia went through a no-eating thing, too. We just let her go without eating. She figured it out pretty quick .. if she doesn't eat what she's given, she doesn't eat! Sounds harsh, but now she eats EVERYTHING we give her. Her favorites are the veggies.

As for the biting thing - Ugh, so frustrating for a mommy. I have no advice or useless stories. Good luck!

Man, she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I entered Ava up for that Gap contest too and she didn't get picked either, humph!

I love her pigtails!

Unknown said...

Hey girly... I entered Amelia too and was so sad she didn't get picked! All our friends were like, "she'll totally win" so I definitely got my hopes up. Sigh. I do have to agree with you though- our girls are definitely the cutest!!

I make up rhymes like that for Amelia too :) She's screaming at me as I type... but smiles each time I look her way! So we are playing a game of "yelling" at one another... I guess I better sign off now. xoxo

Chastity said...

My mother bit my brother when he was going through that stage...not nearly as hard as he bit her, but he never did it again.

Anonymous said...

I meant to ask you, where'd you get them tights? I love 'em!