Paisley is no longer a baby. Not at all. How'd that happen? She's such a little girl now, I cannot believe how quickly she's grown up. I never thought I'd forget what she was like as a baby, but I don't really remember much about it. I guess that happens so that women will want more than 1?
Paisley understands so much now, it continually blows me away. And the mimicking. Oh my gosh the mimicking. Charles and I need to be really careful what we say and do. As seen with the eyelash curler, I had no clue she was watching me. She finds kleenexes and blows her nose. In the bathtub she grabbed her washcloth and very meticulously scrubbed her arm. Then blew her nose in it. Then washed her arm. Eww.
She's learned a lot about her face, and calls noses "dues." She points to my nose and says "DUE!" Then to daddy's, then to the cats, and to her little people, etc. You get the picture. Then we move on to the ears, mouth, etc. My favorite is still the belly button because she'll pull up whatever she's wearing, even if it's a dress. One of these days we'll teach her it's not polite to flash people, but not yet.
EEI EEI EEI O! Is also often heard in our house. I'm not really sure where she learned it because Charles and I don't sing to her that often. Probably off of Baby Einstein. I know, we're horrible parents. We do sing that now with her, and she chimes in at the EEI O part, but includes an extra EEI. Love it.
She understands when it's bedtime, bathtime or time to change her diaper. If I ask her to go get her diaper changed, she walks to her bedroom. If Charles asks her, she lies on the floor wherever she is. That shows you our styles? Bedtime, she grabs her blanky and heads for her room. Bathtime she RUNS to the tub, and is so impatient that she tries to climb in while it's filling. She loves to hold her hand under the stream of water.
NO! is another new thing for her. She says it very defiantly, with a big head shake and often a hand pushing away whatever the offending thing is. It's scary because it's a little like "talk to the hand." Umm, she's 16 months, not 16 years.
She still pesters the cats to no avail. Being bitten doesn't deter her at all.
Pushing mama's buttons is also a new one. At least pushing them on purpose. She knows that I hate it when she stands on things (her rocking chair, my rocking chair, the rocking ottoman, etc), and they are usually put away so she can't get on them. When she is allowed, she gets one warning from me, but she doesn't seem to care. She just watches me watch her stand, and as soon as I come near her she sits down as quickly as she can. Then she loses privileges. She doesn't even cry anymore when they get taken away.
Kisses are fun too. I LOVE getting kisses from her. I tell her to kiss other things and she will, like her rubber duckies in the tub, her little people, husbands of my friends, the dog. She tried to kiss the dog today, but the dog just wasn't having it.
The funniest though is her relationship with her Dora doll. She got this doll from her Aunt Janet and Uncle Erik for Christmas, but has only recently taken an interest in her. She walks her around (by the hair), sits Dora in her highchair, the rocking chair, the dining room chairs, on her rocking horse. Paisley gets frustrated pretty easily though, because Dora tends to fall off of things as well. She brushes Dora's hair, gives her kisses, all of it very sweet, and gives me hope that she'll like dolls as she gets older. Her temper does kick in though when Dora just isn't cooperating, and Paisley responds by killing her (charles' term), which is launching her down the stairs. I promise, she did NOT learn that one from us.
Wash Fold Repeat
9 years ago
sounds like a wonderful age! and we like the video's!
I think this is one of the greatest gifts you'll be able to give your daughter. You do such a good job writing about your experiences with her and I'm sure one day she will love going back and reading all of these entries.
figures, I have been away too long and the video's wont play for me.. that sux.. she is growing up!! She is so adorable :)
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