Sunday, February 4, 2007


Thanks for all your concern over my hair. It doesn't look much different, just took away the highlights. It was supposed to be blond. Not so much. The part that didn't get dyed was a big highlight, so now I've just got a big blond chunk. Cuz' I'm cool like that yo.

Here's Paisley's first attempt at drawing. Those color wonder markers are fabulous. I tried to give them to her a few months ago, and all she'd do was try to eat them. Now she understands the concept of putting them on paper, although she'll pretend to put it in her mouth and then look at me for a reaction. She's a stinker.

Kisses are her newest thing. We'll say, "give us a kiss" and she'll make this funny face where she sucks her lips in, trying to imitate us, I guess. Or she'll make fish lips. I tried to get pictures, but usually she's lunging for me so they didn't turn out so well.


Chastity said...

She's growing up so fast!dav

Erin said...

Aww, so cute!

You're so much braver than I am, I don't have the guts to dye my hair!

Tonya said...

adorable... and love the artwork!

Kristin said...

Taking pictures of toddlers is an art form. One that I haven't mastered yet! P's pictures always look so cute & show her personality all the way.

Her art work is cute too. How fun that you get to put up pictures on the fridge now!